Geoff Petty is one of Britain’s leading experts on teaching methods. Enjoy experimenting with these methods but don’t expect to use them perfectly straight away. Make sure you understand why they should work, and adapt your use of them until they begin to work well.
- The two main ways to improve your teaching are in Better teaching
- We learn by doing, so use Active Learning and Active schemes
- Evaluate your teaching using Self Assessment
- The most powerful tool for teachers is Feedback
- Find the errors in students’ learning and fix them with Questioning
- Other ways to check and correct are in Formative Teaching
- Get better grades for learners by Teaching students skills
- Creativity can be learned, find out more in the Creativity section
- Use the methods your students learn best from, see teaching style
- Keep up with the latest thinking in Research and Links
- Find over 60 docs to help you improve your teaching in Downloads
- Find the latest news in What’s new